La versione inglese è più in basso nella pagina.
The English version is further down the page.
Ecco la terza parte, i capitoli precedenti li trovate qui per la prima parte e qui la seconda
Parte 3 - Il Guanto della Sfida
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Clio, Guardia Nera di Xvim |
Alla fine, oramai nell'anno 1368, divenni una Spada Nera, titolo tra i più alti che un non-sacerdote potesse raggiungere: essere una Guardia Nera mi dava potere e comunione con il mio Dio, ma tra me ed un chierico c'era comunque un abisso di potere e consapevolezza circa il divino.
Non ultimo, si diceva avesse avuto grandi legami con gli Arpisti e corromperlo e diventarne concubina ed asservirlo ai miei desideri, assumendo il ruolo di castellana, moglie o amante che fosse, sarebbe stato un colpo estremamente importante nello scacchiere di quella regione e della di lui Chiesa.
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L'elfo bardo Asrafindil "Asrafil" Ioelthrech (© Leo d'Amato) |
Questo potrebbe far capire come mai le Arpe avessero intenzione di smantellare le Cellule della Chiesa Nera, tra cui la nostra, e del perchè noi fossimo intenzionati a ricambiare tale cortesia.
Ora, una precisazione: da qui in poi, sarò molto dettagliata nel mio resoconto, non solo perchè grande importanza debbo a questo momento della mia vita, ma anche perchè altri mi aiuteranno a ricostruire gli eventi che la mia memoria, al contrario, avrebbe celato, cancellato od assopito.
Giunsi dopo alcuni giorni, sul finire della notte, poco prima dell'alba, alle porte dell'augusto maniero del vegliardo, mentre il vento dell'Ovest si era levato, portando seco ricordi e promesse che giungevano da chissà dove e una qualche bestia feroce ululava in lontananza.
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Simbolo Sacro di Torm |
Proprio quando stavo per afferrare il battente, così da bussare una terza volta, udii il suono sordo di un chiavistello fatto scattare, il rumore di metallo che sferragliava e di una catenella che tintinnava lentamente, così come il rumore di una feritoia che veniva aperta: un giovane, forse un attendente diretto di Von Khellen, mostrò i suoi occhi attraverso una stretta apertura, e mi chiedeva che cosa io volessi.
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Il giovane attendente di Sir Alfric, Cledis uth'Kar (copyright) |
Non mi restava dunque che attendere, e fu così che, di li a pochi minuti, venni finalmente a sapere che quell'anziano e vedovo cavaliere, consacrato alla Chiesa di Torm, mi avrebbe ricevuta con solerzia.
Tutto il luogo parlava di ricchezza non ostentata, di garbo e di nobiltà che non richiedeva ingenti spese per essere conservati in quella magione.
Fu li, dunque, che i miei occhi si posarono per la prima volta su Sir Alfric, e ricordo che mi apparve ancora più debole e vecchio di quanto avessi già supposto: era un uomo decisamente in là con gli anni, ben più di quei cinquanta inverni che si diceva avesse, come se molti affanni e dolori avessero inciso segni indelebili sul viso del vegliardo e l'avessero fatto invecchiare precocemente; pure, non mi ingannavo ritenendo che egli mostrasse una forza interiore, una decisione, una risolutezza che non avrei potuto riscontrare in gente nemmeno con la metà dei suoi anni.
Era bastato uno sguardo, perchè ci riconoscessimo a vicenda.
Sir Alfric era conscio che quella ragazza che si poneva all'apparenza indifesa di fronte a lui fosse una nemesi tremenda ed oscura, il male più puro contro cui si fosse misurato; ed io del pari compresi che nulla, nessuna storia o bugia, nessuna arte di seduzione nè forza celata avrebbero potuto irretire e conquistare quell'uomo.
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Sir Alfric Von Khellen, Campione divino di Torm |
Smisi dunque quella farsa, quasi che avessi scelto di cessare quella pantomima, e presi a guardarmi attorno, valutando quali opzioni avessi per combattere, trascinando con me il maggior numero dei presenti, dato che ero disarmata e incapace di sopravvivere in tale inferiorità numerica; pure, nella mia sicumera e baldanza ero fiduciosa della mia possibilità di strappare un'arma da una delle armature che qua e la si trovavano: ed il vegliardo pareva pensare la stessa cosa, guardando gli altri presenti, tra i quali i paggi ed il suo attendente, cercando di capire come proteggerli da uno scontro che avrebbe visto tante vittime e molto sangue scorrere.
Era una situazione di totale stallo, nessuno osando muoversi, alterando l'equilibrio, con solo io e Sir Alfric ad essere del tutto consapevoli della situazione.
Da qui in poi userò spesso il linguaggio diretto perchè le parole che riporterò sono state da me e dai testimoni presenti più volte discusse, riproposte e già menzionate tanto in atti ufficiali che in quelli di alcuni incartamenti giudiziari: la mia memoria da sola, decisamente non
Dunque, quando stavo pensando che avrei dovuto tentare il tutto per tutto, egli sembrò intuire le mie intenzioni e levò la mano in un gesto innocuo, ma solido, che mi fermò sul posto: la mano sinistra col palmo alto, a simboleggiare Torm, ma anche a parlare ed io, in quanto cavaliere, sia pure oscura, dovevo ascoltare.
Riporto qui quello scambio di battute, quel dialogo svoltosi tra di noi e che, comunque, resta impresso nel mio animo:
Non credevo di meritare tanta importanza da ricevere finanche la visita dell'Angelo Nero. La morte, spesso si dice, è una fanciulla dagli occhi puri bordati di nero. Così disse, e non c'era scherno nella sua voce nè desiderio nei suoi occhi, quando aggiunse, quasi tra sè e sè, riflettendo: ...una creatura così meravigliosa...e tanto corrotta. Vorrei davvero conoscere, e capire, ciò che ti ha condotta fino a questo punto. aggiunse, come se veramente parlasse con sè stesso.
A queste parole, tornarono i timori di esser stata tradita e venduta da qualcuno, ma egli, quasi mi leggesse dentro, proseguì: Non ingannarti, Clio di Bryn Shander, perchè non sei la sola che gode, anche se immeritatamente nel mio caso, del favore della propria divinità. Accennò un sorriso, ma senza allegria: anzi, ebbi la sensazione che stesse ponderando se attaccarmi già li per li, o volesse tentare la via del dialogo. Molti sono i modi con cui la Volontà Divina si manifesta, leggiadra e forte, resistente ma misericordiosa, che sia in forma di una veggenza, di una profezia, di un sogno...o di una semplice quanto fortunata intuizione.
Replicai, dunque, visto che mentire sembrava una inutile perdita di tempo: Sembrate saper già tutto, oh Nobile Cavaliere: qual sorte dunque mi è riservata? Sono Vostra prigioniera? Vostra schiava? O desiderate sia Vostra, e basta? Se così fosse, non avete che da chiedere, mio Signore, e da allontanare i presenti perchè io possa far qualsiasi cosa Vi alletti per riscattare la mia libertà.
"Mio Signore", già: fu la prima volta che usai quella espressione con tanta sufficienza e scherno da grondar veleno dalle mie parole. E fu dopo quel momento che, quando finalmente tornai libera nella mente e nel cuore, scelsi di appellare chiunque quale "Mio Signore" o "Mia Signora": perchè è giusto io sia l'ultima degli ultimi, e servire sia il solo modo di espiare, rammentando ciò che ho fatto e ho tentato più volte di fare.
Credo di non aver più l'età per queste cose, ragazza mia: tentando di sedurmi, rovineresti la tua, peraltro ben meritata, fama. Inoltre, so fin troppo bene, stando a quello che ho dovuto sentir dire, che sedurre ed uccidere è solo una via più veloce per te, ma che forte è la Volontà di Colui che ti guida, al punto che sei una guerriera, una crociata oscura, terribile, valente sia pur nell'odio, e che trattarti da mera adescatrice sarebbe nei tuoi confronti una offesa imperdonabile. No, ragazza mia, non sto schernendoti - aggiunse, notando la mia espressione - ma devi renderti conto che gli anni al servizio marziale di una qualsiasi divinità lasciano il segno, ed i miei occhi non sono ancora così deboli da non notare le minuscole imperfezioni che restano sulla tua pelle, nonostante l'uso di unguenti, di stoffe, di protezioni ed imbottiture, impiegando tu così spesso una corazza da campo; nè il mio olfatto è così danneggiato da non percepire l'odore di acciaio e di sangue che ti accompagna da che hai messo piede in questa stanza.
Non voglio mancare di rispetto a chi hai ingannato e ucciso, ma mi chiedo come si faccia a non notare certe cose: o, forse, è solo un beneficio dell'età che porta seco la pace dei sensi, che rende te, Angelo Nero, una splendida creatura, ma di cui non anelo a conquistare il favore, nè nel mio talamo, nè in qualsiasi altro luogo... anche se non dubito che saresti all'altezza della tua fama.
Siete un Cavaliere voi stessa, anche se corrotta, dunque state al Vostro posto.
Fierezza e forza sembravano sgorgare da lui, un fiume placido che si opponeva a quello violento che da me promanava: acqua contro fuoco, quiete contro tempesta.
Pure, compresi ed accettai, chinando il capo, mentre egli aggiungeva ...detto ciò, se desiderate riposare Vi darò una stanza a condizione che giuriate di non nuocere ad alcuno degli abitanti del maniero fino a che non ci saremo scontrati.
Mi trovai così costretta a replicare: Sapete bene che non ho desiderio di restar qui, dove l'Occhio del Vostro Dio mi mette a disagio e dove pian piano mi sento indebolire: tuttavia, farò come chiedete, una gentilezza da Cavaliere a Cavaliere in nome della Vostra età. Dissi, ritraendomi, e guardandomi attorno sfacciata e sorridente: ....oh, sono certa che mi piacerà vivere qui. Dopo qualche cambiamento qua e la, questo luogo sarà davvero un bel posto da rivendicare. Scoccai una occhiata decisamente malevola verso l'attendente di Sir Alfric ... e Voi, preparatevi a dovere, perchè entro il calar della notte di domani avrete una nuova Padrona ed io un nuovo giocattolo.
Così dissi, e mi preparai ad andar via: tra un giorno, dunque, avrei dato battaglia, sfidando qualcuno che aveva più del doppio dei miei inverni e che si diceva non calcasse un campo di battaglia da anni.
Mi stupii persino per essermi fatta convincere a rimandare lo scontro, passando da un tentativo di corrompere ed uccidere il vegliardo ad un duello onorevole tra potenze avverse: e mi chiedevo finanche qual mai merito o fama avrei potuto ricevere nell'abbattere qualcuno così palesemente inferiore a me.
Eppure, mentre i miei stivali calpestavano la morbida moquette che vestiva tutto, dal pavimento alle scale, mi sentivo inquieta: pochissimi avevano osato incrociare coscientemente la spada con la mia e meno ancora avevano direttamente osato sfidarmi. Nutrivo dunque dubbi circa il mio successo? Oh, per quel che ricordo, no, ero sicura di potercela fare: eppure, nonostante le rassicurazioni che mi concedevo, dovevo ammettere che qualcosa, durante quell'incontro, mi aveva scossa.
E così mi allontanai, scortata con tre volte la prudenza osservata solo pochi minuti prima da parte dei soldati e dell'attendente, lungo le scale e l'androne che avevo percorso in precedenza come se ne fossi già la padrona.
E varcai l'uscio, e il portone si richiuse pesantemente alle mie spalle, ed il carro con i miei averi era ancora li: non restava che prendere una stanza in locanda, attirando meno attenzioni possibile, e prepararmi al duello che si sarebbe tenuto il giorno 10 della seconda decade.
-Leo "Lordgirsa" d'Amato-
English version
Here is the third part, the previous chapters can be found here for the first part and here for the second
Part 3 - The Gauntlet of Challenge
Eventually, by now in the year 1368, I became a Black Sword, a title among the highest that a non-priest could achieve: being a Black Guard gave me power and communion with my God, but between me and a cleric there was still an abyss of power and awareness about the divine.
Perhaps it was precisely for this reason that on the 3rd day of the second decade of Eleasias, I was given a task for which I seemed to be the only member cut. In hindsight, I still wonder if my "companions" hoped I would succeed in the task or if I would fail and, better yet, perish.
It was about corrupting the no longer young Sir Alfric Von Khellen, paladin of Torm of Waterdeep: the old man, over fifty years old, had retired to private life after the death of his wife and, although he sometimes participated in some functions and ceremonies for his God, most of the time he lived in solitude, writing stories and memoirs, books of faith and advice for young knights.
Last but not least, he was said to have had great ties with the Harpers and corrupting him and becoming their concubine and enslaving him to my desires, assuming the role of castellan, wife or lover, would have been an extremely important move in the chessboard of that region and of his Church.
I realize, however, that this is the second time I mention the so-called "Harp bearers" but, for the benefit of those who do not know some of the secrets of Faerun, here are just a few words about them.
The Harpers are a secret organization that believes that each individual can make a difference: by pushing and inciting the potential of individuals, and by working for the balance between civilization and the wilds and for the good of humanity and its allied creatures, they motivate everyone to do their part, alone and with their companions, to plead the cause of Good everywhere.
They are concerned with preserving the deeds of the past so that people remember the lessons those events taught when they face the present: to quote the famous bard Asrafil Ioelthrech, they "bind the past to the present in order to open the doors of the future". Powerful individuals such as the Archmage Elminster, one of the chosen of Mystra, goddess of Magic, as well as his peers Alustriel Silverhand, Dove Falconhand, and Storm Silverhand, are well-known members of this organization, and all of them support the Harpers in every way: after all, they are among the most powerful people in Faerun and their visibility also serves as a reference for those who wish to join them, as if they were beacons in the darkness.
The Harpers usually operate in secret, alone or in small groups, traveling throughout the North and the Western Heartlands: they fight against evil organizations such as the Cult of the Dragon, the Iron Throne, the Red Wizards, the Zhentarim and, most notably, the resurrected church of Bane.
This might explain why the Harps intended to dismantle the Cells of the Black Church, including ours, and why we were willing to return the favor.
I wrote, then, that the object was to put our hands on this Sir Alfric: and so it was that I set out, in the dead of night, between the 5th and the 6th day of the second decade of the month with my armor and sword hidden in a false bottom of the cart that I was clumsily driving, towards the mansion of that knight at rest: and horrors and terrors accompanied me and I did not fear to move alone, in the light of a half moon.
Sweet Moon, I thought, hide yourself if you do not want to feel horror for what I am about to do.
Now, a clarification: from now on, I will be very detailed in my account, not only because I owe great importance to this moment of my life, but also because others will help me reconstruct the events that my memory, on the contrary, would have hidden, erased or put to sleep.
I arrived after a few days, at the end of the night, just before dawn, at the gates of the old man's august manor, while the West wind had risen, bringing with it memories and promises that came from who knows where and some wild beast was howling in the distance.
Everything was silent, and it was cold, I remember it well: but whether this depended on the half-torn clothes I was wearing, to simulate an attack, or on the actual temperature or on something else that was moving inside me, I could not say to this day. For good practice, I had also inflicted a few superficial wounds on myself, to make the attack I was about to tell more truthful.
I knocked on the door shaped like Torm's sacred symbol - how repulsive I felt! - and waited, in silence, for a long time: at first I thought that the place was abandoned, because it was quiet and silent, pervaded by a peace that I would have imagined to find in a cemetery, but that common and good-hearted people would have considered the peace of the righteous. I waited, knocked again, and as I waited for something to happen, I felt, strangely, a sense of anxiety rising in me: and this was something completely new to me, since it had never happened to me before to feel agitated for something that I was sure I could handle.
Just as I was about to grab the door, so as to knock a third time, I heard the dull sound of a latch being clicked, the sound of metal rattling and a chain slowly jingling, as well as the sound of a loophole being opened: a young man, perhaps one of Von Khellen's direct attendants, showed his eyes through a narrow opening, and asked me what I wanted.
I played the part that I had so often exploited to arouse pity and entice, the bare shoulder, a hint of breast in sight, small scratches and lacerations that I had inflicted on myself: and yet, strange to say, that young man did not seem particularly impressed, so much so that while I claimed to have been raped, and to have managed to escape by stealing the attackers' cart, I found myself thinking that perhaps I would have had better luck with a marble statue.
Finally, a nod, a simple assent, and after a few moments the door was opened: a beam of light hurt the darkness of the night as much as my eyes, but not enough to prevent me from noticing that the young man was not a fool: well armed, alert and careful, and his gaze full of every suspicion even if he apparently smiled: there and then, I thought that perhaps I had been betrayed, that someone had sent me there with the precise purpose of meeting my same end, offering a precious prey such as I could be, straight into the mouth of the Church of Torm negotiating who knows what favor under the table. However, I rejected that thought, as quickly as it had arisen, because that was not the way of acting of the Church of Torm, also called The Loyal Fury, nor did my own Church perpetrate that kind of betrayal, and I was confident that I had masked my real intentions, and my dark nature with a special spell: in any case, I was there now, and so I waited, in the entrance hall, while the palace was awakening, the pages anticipated their awakening and tried to understand what emergency had pulled them out of bed earlier than usual.
That young attendant, however, did not lose sight of me, while appearing courteous and offering to give me a blanket very kindly, noticing that my body was trembling slightly. I tried to touch his hand, to send him a grateful and provocative look but it had no effect: not even marble, I thought, but even mithrall would have been more malleable in comparison.
So I had no choice but to wait, and so it was that, a few minutes later, I finally learned that the elderly and widowed knight, consecrated to the Church of Torm, would receive me with alacrity.
Finally, I was escorted to the main staircase, the easiest to defend because some loopholes suggested the presence of traps, as well as some small structures, similar to shrines, were undoubtedly intended to house an armed guard each as well as small sacred effigies.
The whole place spoke of unostentatious wealth, of grace and nobility that did not require huge expenses to be preserved in that mansion.
I climbed the steps, turned to the right and, after a few words from the orderly, who introduced himself as Cledis, I was finally led, accepted and introduced into what must have been a study, in which every wall, even the door that was closing behind me, was intended as a bookcase, holding books, parchments and folders that appeared to be official-looking documents and protocols.
It was there, then, that my eyes rested for the first time on Sir Alfric, and I remember that he appeared even weaker and older than I had already supposed: he was a man decidedly advanced in years, much older than those fifty winters that he was said to have had, as if many worries and pains had engraved indelible signs on the old man's face and had made him age prematurely; however, I was not deceived in believing that he showed an inner strength, a decision, a resolution that I could not have found in people even half his age.
I came forward and presented myself, bowing my head and showing myself defenseless, with the blanket that was expertly sliding along my bare shoulder, ready to repeat, in detail, a moving and heartbreaking story of vulnerability and aggression, when I met his gaze, which he returned firmly, and my eyes embraced his and his mine: and he started and I too because in the same instant in which one looked into the other, I understood that he understood, and that we had recognized each other, despite having worked a spell to shield myself from the individuations of the alignment.
A look was enough for us to recognize each other.
Sir Alfric was aware that this girl who stood apparently defenseless before him was a terrible and dark nemesis, the purest evil against which he had measured himself; and I equally understood that nothing, no story or lie, no art of seduction or hidden force could have ensnared and conquered that man.
So I stopped that farce, almost as if I had chosen to stop that pantomime, and I began to look around, evaluating what options I had to fight, dragging with me the greatest number of those present, since I was unarmed and unable to survive in such numerical inferiority; yet, in my self-assurance and boldness I was confident of my ability to tear a weapon from one of the armors that were found here and there: and the old man seemed to think the same thing, looking at the others present, including the pages and his attendant, trying to understand how to protect them from a clash that would see so many victims and much blood flow.
It was a situation of total stalemate, no one daring to move, altering the balance, with only Sir Alfric and I being completely aware of the situation.
From here on I will often use direct language because the words that I will report have been discussed, re-proposed and already mentioned by me and by the witnesses present in official documents and in some judicial documents: my memory alone, decidedly not devoted to academic subjects, would never have allowed me to report, especially with great detail, things that were said by me or by others many years ago, especially considering the state of my alteration.
So, when I was thinking that I should try everything, he seemed to sense my intentions and raised his hand in a harmless but solid gesture that stopped me in my tracks: the left hand with the palm up, to symbolize Torm, but also to speak and I, as a knight, even a dark one, had to listen.
I report here that exchange of words, that dialogue that took place between us and that, in any case, remains imprinted in my soul:
I did not believe I deserved so much importance as to receive even the visit of the Black Angel. Death, it is often said, is a girl with pure eyes rimmed with black. So he said, and there was no mockery in his voice nor desire in his eyes, when he added, almost to himself, reflecting: ... such a wonderful creature... and so corrupt. I would really like to know, and understand, what has brought you to this point. He added, as if he were really talking to himself.
At these words, the fears of having been betrayed and sold by someone returned, but he, as if reading my mind, continued: Do not deceive yourself, Clio of Bryn Shander, because you are not the only one who enjoys, even if undeservedly in my case, the favor of his divinity. He hinted at a smile, but without joy: indeed, I had the feeling that he was pondering whether to attack me right then and there, or wanted to try the path of dialogue. There are many ways in which the Divine Will manifests itself, graceful and strong, resistant but merciful, whether in the form of a clairvoyance, a prophecy, a dream... or a simple but fortunate intuition.
I replied, therefore, since lying seemed a useless waste of time: You seem to know everything already, oh Noble Knight: what fate then is reserved for me? Am I your prisoner? Your slave? Or do you wish it to be yours, and that's it? If so, you have only to ask, my Lord, and to remove those present so that I can do whatever you tempt to redeem my freedom.
"My Lord", yes: it was the first time that I used that expression with such condescension and mockery that my words dripped with venom. And it was after that moment that, when I finally returned free in my mind and heart, I chose to call everyone as "My Lord" or "My Lady": because it is right that I should be the last of the last, and serving should be the only way to atone, remembering what I have done and have tried many times to do.
However, I feel that I cannot digress because, of so many underground hairs, of so many streams that conspired to crumble the sand castle of my certainties, it was that meeting that was decisive for me. And the answer I got was ... polite. That man was kind, to whom he would not hesitate to tear his heart from his chest during an embrace, and make his attendant eat it.
I think I am no longer old enough for these things, my girl: by trying to seduce me, you would ruin your, otherwise well-deserved, reputation. Furthermore, I know only too well, from what I have had to hear, that seducing and killing is only a quicker way for you, but that the Will of Him who guides you is strong, to the point that you are a warrior, a dark crusader, terrible, valiant even in hatred, and that treating you as a mere seducer would be an unforgivable offense towards you. No, my girl, I am not mocking you,” he added, noticing my expression, “but you must realize that years of martial service to any deity leave their mark, and my eyes are not yet so weak as not to notice the tiny imperfections that remain on your skin, despite the use of ointments, fabrics, protections and padding, you so often employing field armor; nor is my sense of smell so impaired as not to perceive the odor of steel and blood that has accompanied you since you set foot in this room. I do not want to disrespect those you have deceived and killed, but I wonder how one can fail to notice certain things: or, perhaps, it is only a benefit of age that brings with it the peace of the senses, that makes you, Black Angel, a splendid creature, but whose favor I do not desire to win, neither in my bedchamber, nor anywhere else... even if I do not doubt that you would be worthy of your fame.
By then I knew I had no choice, and that to deny would be futile: I told him, in plain words, that I was here to take his life, to conquer this place for my Church and to enslave those present to the Dark One's dominion or to kill them all if they refused. And he was silent, heavy in his action, and many wrinkles were painted on his face: and none of the bystanders uttered a word, and the light of day had become more intense though unhealthy, as if it presaged a day of rain. Only Sir Alfric's attendant, Cledis, seemed inclined to make the swords sing, in the name of the principle that the best defense is offense.
But before even that could happen, it was Sir Alfric who spoke again, rising to his feet with all the dignity that a man could show when he is startled in the night, and finds such an angel of death in his home. And so he spoke, and I still remember him:
I give you this day to prepare, Clio of Bryn Shander, or Khalis, as I have also heard You have called Yourself since You left the frozen lands of the North. I am sure that You have drawn upon many resources to ensure Your success in Your unwholesome enterprise today, presenting Yourself as a victim in need of protection: therefore a part of Your power is already exhausted or not destined to sustain a prolonged conflict. You would not be able to meet me now, to the best of Your ability, in single combat.
It was there, at those words of apparent sufficiency, that I exploded, and that any manifestation of dark power that accompanied me began to flow freely, threatening and blinding for those present, like a river in flood of hatred and wounded pride:
You old fool! Are you insinuating that I am not able to beat you as and when I want, even without armor and with nothing but a dagger? I smiled, and so I spoke, threatening and drunk with malevolent awareness. Do you know who I am? Do you know in the name of WHOM I come and speak? Do you have any idea of the Power that you are challenging with these false polite words of yours? I do not need to prepare myself, not as much as you may have to write your epitaph.
I remember well that I felt a burning rage, but the apparent serenity of the man unnerved me: I no longer knew fear, strong in the favor of my God, but felt that every word I said was little more than an empty threat, the bark of a puppy barking at the moon, with the same probability of influencing its course. Sir Alfric continued:
"I do not want to threaten you. But I want there to be no doubt in your hearts that, when you face me tomorrow morning, at this hour, you will be in the best state of mind, body, and soul, with your dark divine resources restored, and with no other concern than how to take my life.
I want there to be no doubt in your hearts when you and I fight that nothing has failed you that is due to fatigue, or those scratches you probably inflicted on yourself to make the role of victim believable, or the less obscure prayers you have memorized, or the absence of your best equipment.
Tomorrow morning, at this hour, in single combat, You and I: and may fortune smile on the one who is more firm in his convictions, more powerful by mere physical strength."
I remember that I laughed, knowingly, coarsely, with an unhealthy cheerfulness: I had never been so powerful, so sure, madly, of myself: "So, you admit? You know you are inferior to me and you trust to beat me with gossip and with the favor of Your God, weak and old as you?"
Perhaps it was a mistake, because those words seemed to rejuvenate the old man, who regained a prowess, an imposingness, that I would never have recognized in him: " can offend me as much as you want, but in my house, by intimation to your Blasphemous God, I do not tolerate slander about Him whom I serve. Do not mistake my chivalry for foolishness, nor the favor I grant you of preparing until tomorrow for any form of fear. You are a Knight yourself, even if corrupt, so keep your place."
Pride and strength seemed to flow from him, a placid river opposing the violent one that flowed from me: water against fire, calm against storm.
Yet, I understood and accepted, bowing my head, as he added ", if you wish to rest, I will give you a room on condition that you swear not to harm any of the inhabitants of the manor until we have met.If not, about six miles to the north is an inn full of adventurers, where, however, you may rest until tomorrow on condition that you do not create a disturbance."
I was forced to reply: "You know I have no wish to remain here, where the Eye of your God makes me uncomfortable and where I feel myself growing weak: yet I will do as you ask, a kindness from Knight to Knight in the name of your age." I said, drawing back, and looking boldly and smilingly about me: "....oh, I am sure I shall like to live here. After a few changes here and there, this place will be a fine one to claim." I cast a decidedly malevolent glance at Sir Alfric's attendant "... and you, prepare yourselves well, for by nightfall tomorrow you will have a new Mistress and I a new plaything."
So I said, and prepared to go: in a day, then, I should give battle, challenging one who was more than twice my winters old, and who was said not to have trod a battlefield for years.
I was even surprised that I had been persuaded to postpone the fight, passing from an attempt to bribe and kill the old man to an honorable duel between opposing powers: and I even wondered what merit or fame I could receive in striking down someone so obviously inferior to me.
#Sir Alfric
#Bryn Shander